Template emails to register your objection

These are template emails you can use; please feel free to edit them, combine them or use them however you like. 

Go to the template you want to use and copy the text. Then click on the email link below, this should start your email application. Paste in the template text, then copy the Planning Application Number text from the template and put it in the subject. Put your name and address at the end of the email and hit send! This will take you only a couple of minutes. 

If you prefer not to use a template, then send your email to planning3@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk with the subject of  "Planning Application Number 2024/2142/PATEL". Do not forget to include your name and address.

Template Email 1

To: planning3@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk

Subject: Planning Application Number 2024/2142/PATEL

Dear Westmorland and Furness Council,​

I am sending you this email with respect to Planning Application Number 2024/2142/PATEL, ​concerning the proposed communcations mast at Burneside Road at Eggholme Land West of Burneside Road Strickland Ketel KENDAL LA9 6PN.​

The proposed site is the location of the Kendal Lone Tree, a much​-loved and photographed location. The proposed mast will destroy this location's view and beauty forever. 

Kendal is a lovely place to live and needs views such as the Lone Tree protected​; it is our very own Sycamore Gap. 

I urge you to reconsider this proposal and work with Vodafone's contractors, Cornerstone, to find a solution that does not destroy something quite special for Kendal residents. 

The mast location represents the cheapest option for Cornerstone, and a more sympathetic solution must be found either using feeder masts or a fibre backbone into Burneside and a smaller​, more localised mast. 

This email has been sent with the full support of https://www.kendallonetree.org; they can be contacted at admin@kendallonetree.org.

​I would also like to state that the Burneside Parish Council has unanimously objected the proposal, as they "do not want any further development of the Green Gap between Burneside and Kendal". Equivalent Parish Councils on the Kendal side of the proposed site have not been consulted.


[add your name here]

[add your postal address, including postcode here]

Template Email 2

To: planning3@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk

Subject: Planning Application Number 2024/2142/PATEL

Dear Westmorland and Furness Council,

Please accept this email as my formal objection to Planning Application Number 2024/2142/PATEL, with respect to the proposed communcations mast at Burneside Road at Eggholme Land West of Burneside Road Strickland Ketel KENDAL LA9 6PN.

The proposal is an act of vandalism on a much loved Kendal view of the "Lone Tree".

The proposal represents the cheapest solution for Cornerstone, Vodafone's contractors, and an alternative solution must be found to protect our very own equivalent of the "Sycamore Gap Tree". The "Sycamore Gap Tree" demonstrates how we should protect this unique view where nature makes a stand, in a place of prominence, against the elements of the weather. 

This proposal is a blatant example of placing commercial cost-cutting ahead of nature and the area surrounding our beautiful town. 

Both Vodafone and Cornerstone should be forced to find an alternative solution, one that is less excessibly prominent, destroying a much-loved view for local residents, walkers and photographers. 

This email has been sent with the full support of https://www.kendallonetree.org; they can be contacted at admin@kendallonetree.org.

I would also like to state that the Burneside Parish Council has unanimously objected the proposal, as they "do not want any further development of the Green Gap between Burneside and Kendal". Equivalent Parish Councils on the Kendal side of the proposed site have not been consulted yet are equally impacted.


[add your name here]

[add your postal address, including postcode here]

Template Email 3

To: planning3@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk

Subject: Planning Application Number 2024/2142/PATEL

Dear Westmorland and Furness Council, 

I am emailing with great sadness about the proposal to erect a communications mast next to The Lone Tree on the highest peak of "The Todds" to the north of Kendal. This is under Planning Application Number 2024/2142/PATEL

The Lone Tree is a local landmark, well-loved and the subject of many photographs and regarded with the same love as the tree that was destroyed in The Sycamore Gap. As has been seen, these views should be protected and not destroyed by commercial organisations looking for the cheapest solution. 

I urge you to reconsider this application and protect Kendal and its surrounding beauty. The Lone Tree must be protected. 

Vodafone, and their contractor, Cornerstone, should be made to deliver this mobile phone infrastructure more sympathetically, using smaller, more localised masts and the available local fibre infrastructure. 

Kendal's beauty is that it has been preserved, the yard, the castle, the square and the area around us, please do not destroy the beauty of The Lone Tree for a commercial mobile phone network. 

The residents of the North Kendal area have 1000Mbit/s fibre, we have Wifi and an existing mobile phone network which we can use for both calls and data. Please do not destroy our beautiful views so that more and more people can walk down the street with their face in their phones. 

This email has been sent with the full support of https://www.kendallonetree.org; they can be contacted at admin@kendallonetree.org.

I would also like to state that the Burneside Parish Council has unanimously objected the proposal, as they "do not want any further development of the Green Gap between Burneside and Kendal". Equivalent Parish Councils on the Kendal side of the proposed site have not been consulted yet are equally impacted.


[add your name here]

[add your postal address, including postcode here]

Template Email 4 - More wildlife centric email (thank you to multiple of our contributors for this one)

To: planning3@westmorlandandfurness.gov.uk

Subject: Planning Application Number 2024/2142/PATEL

Dear Westmorland and Furness Council, 

As someone who wants to protect out wildlife, I am aware that nationally, internationally endangered Red Listed birds come inland to attempt to breed in the adjacent fields every spring. These birds face numerous threats, and rarely do chicks survive to go on to produce viable future generations. To disrupt their attempts at breeding with a 5G mast is iniquitous, solely to benefit a business looking to cut financial corners. Please do not allow this to happen. Like all councils, Westmorland and Furness Council are now obligated to save and enhance wild species and habitats because of the extremely serious implications of the biodiversity crisis. To grant planning permission for this mast would not only be of contrary to obligations to care for wildlife, but an act of environmental vandalism. Yes - the world needs technology, but we do not actually need 5G. We do not as yet have knowledge to ensure that 5G is safe for insects and pollinators, and we have lost some 70% of our insect biomass since the 1960s. To refuse planning permission is the morally and ethically correct thing to do.'

The adjacent trees are also home to a significant bat colony, trees su as the Lone Tree provide an essential safe corridor for bats to travel, linking woodland together. Without these trees, bat colonies will be left in isolation, inceasing their chances of dying out and reducing genetic diversity between colonies. The impact of high frequency RF signals on bats and their navigation is not fully understood.

This location of the proposed mast is both an eyesore and will put at rish redlisted birds and bats who have been increasingly pushed out by ongoing residential development.

This email has been sent with the full support of https://www.kendallonetree.org; they can be contacted at admin@kendallonetree.org.

I would also like to state that the Burneside Parish Council has unanimously objected the proposal, as they "do not want any further development of the Green Gap between Burneside and Kendal". Equivalent Parish Councils on the Kendal side of the proposed site have not been consulted yet are equally impacted.


[add your name here]

[add your postal address, including postcode here]